Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What was I saying about little steps??

Oh yeah...they lead places.

Yesterday I went down a notch on my belt {{holla!!}}  Today when I stepped on the scale...down 2 more pounds!!  Whoot!

This just proves that even with stress, if I stay strong I can do this.  I didn't want to walk last night but I made myself do it and felt better.

Tonight I was catching up on the bachelorette, so I did my stationary bike.  It's been forever since I've been on that!  The dog was freaking out because he'd never heard it! LOL  It was only 10 minutes, but a strong 10 minutes.  Small steps baby!!

When I went grocery shopping last night it was all about the protein labels...
I think I'm making progress with moving some variety in.  That's important if I'm gonna be able to do this long term, huh?

You know what else?? My husband told me he was proud of me! How sweet is that?? He knows it would have been so easy for me in the past to let stress just give me an excuse.  An excuse to sit on my butt.  An excuse to eat JUNK.

OK - so you want to know what is really, really amazing for me?? its been 8 days since I've even tasted a chip.  I did have a couple on the 10th after eating my pizza toppings at work...but 8 days with no chips?? We're talking big time! HUGE!  I love chips.  We're talking serious romantic affection.  And I love them all...there are very maybe one type that I don't like that much.  Of course, if it was the only one available I'd eat it.  But! NONE for 8 days!!  That's probably that 2lbs right there!  ;)

What else?  Oh yeah, so I've been reading about the issue with hormones.  Apparently when you loose weight really rapidly it gives off a release of strong ones.  People talk about going into complete rages at the grocery store.  Or breaking down and crying over only being able to eat a couple bites of something.  Whoa...People, if I start getting like that, someone reel me in!  I'm sure they have no control and it must be really hard.  Going through menopause is bad enough...I guess it's not really surprising when you think about it...they take away your alcohol, your caffeine, and you can only eat about 8 bites...yikes!!  Better keep up the exercise to wear them off!!

The other thing I've read recently is people talking about needing therapy.  They see this new person in the mirror and start to have all these emotions. Start wondering if the decisions they made in life were what they really wanted or that they made them because they were fat.  Some really deep stuff.  I don't think I will run into as much of this...I wasn't fat  plump growing up and as I've told you before, the image in my head of me is much smaller.  I'm the opposite...I look in the mirror now and say "who the hell is that"??  :)

What are you all doing with your evening?? Are you up to date on your water?  I am! AND I hit my protein goal so I'm gonna make a baked apple with cinnamon and fat free cool whip.  Doesn't that sound yummy?  No?  Well it does to me...LOL

Thanks for coming on the journey!


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