Thursday, October 23, 2014

hmmmm....should have kept my mouth shut...

Hello everyone!  I promised I'd let you know how the Nut visit went.  Well it went great!! Really great!

She is not worried about my liquid intake...just wants me to focus on the protein and getting my vitamin in.  She was super impressed with the progress I've made.  In fact when we were talking about goals and everything I mentioned that I was looking forward to trying some wine in a couple months...she said "well, you're doing well enough to try that I think"... :-)...

...I said "really? At only about 5 weeks out?"  and she said "OMG!  You're doing so great, I was thinking you were 3 months out!"  "No, you should definitely wait to try that."     ahhhhhhh!!! So close!!  ;)

The good news is I can start bringing in more veggies and fruit.  She even said I could try lettuce and I can try out a yummy chopped salad from Subway soon! :)

I don't see her again until the end of January...she will stay with me until I hit goal though so we'll see how long that takes.  Next week I get to have a session with the trainer...eek!  I hope I can manage to do as well in that...a bit worried there though! LOL

I hope all is good with you!  Are you drinking your water?  Are you moving?  Are you happy?  Are you having wine?  (Inquiring minds want to know!)  Have a glass for me!!

Thanks for staying with me!

Monday, October 20, 2014

-17 lbs first month...

Hello Peeps!  So I'm more than a month out now...down more than 42 lbs overall.  :)  Can't really complain about that!

So, how are things going? Well, let's start off with some things that I'm happy about...first, I can chew gum.  I know I wasn't supposed to...(I'm such a rebel)...but when I asked why it was about air in the stomach so I took a chance... no problem. :)  Second, I can drink through a straw...(again that rebel thing)...and thank goodness for that cause those protein shakes are getting hard to get down.  I tried this out of a bit of desperation and have to say it helps  a LOT!

People at work are telling me that they can really start to see a difference now, of course they all know what I've gone through so they might just be being nice LOL, but today a rep came in that I haven't seen for about a year...she asked me what I'd done to my hair...I said nothing...she said well, there's really something different about your face!  I said yeah, I've lost 40lbs!  She was like OMG! I guess that would do it! HAHA!  She started to say how that was great and asked me what I was doing...I told her I'd had was amazing to me how uncomfortable this made her...she wasn't sure what to say so she just said "well, I'm sure you must be feeling great" which was really an excellent thing to say, because, yes. Yes, I am.

So what you might ask is not going great?  Well, I have noticed a pattern,,, on the days that I get all my protein in, I don't seem to be able to hit my goal for water...on the days I get on my water in? Yeah, I don't hit my protein goal...odd but true.  I'm trying to at least alternate them somewhat so I don't go too long without either but I know I need to get better.  The real issue is to get in the protein I need to have a shake.  When I have a shake I don't feel like drinking.  I just can't eat enough yet to get my protein in without that supplement.   But hey, there are worse things.  It will come.

I've been trying out different things.  One of them is the fresh jerky my husband bought me...that' pretty tasty...and the other is pork rinds...

Now, you ask why pork rinds?  Well it turns out that these little snackers are about all protein...they only problem with them is that I know they are all protein because I know what they are made really does not do the appetite a good turn.  Now, they are not terrible...and I have to say the salt and vinegar ones are superior to the plain ones...but they are not chips.  Can I say that again?  They are not chips.

They do help out a bit when a craving hits though...and since I can only eat like 3 I can usually do that without thinking too hard about what they are made of.

Wednesday I go to my first post op nutrition visit!  It will be interesting to see what Elizabeth has to say about how I'm doing.

I am almost half way to goal! That's exciting!  Only two more months until I can have a glass of wine.  That's pretty exciting too!!  I'm not really having any issues with reflux...never really did so I'm not surprised...I do take the RX Dr. Trieu gave me for it because I don't want acid to effect the healing.  I have a harder time remembering the vitamin...ugh!

I can see walking is going to start to be a challenge...I just about froze my fingers off tonight...guess I will have to start using the gazelle now that it's getting cold.   I'm still loving my fitbit because it gives me direction about where I am in the day for activity.

I really don't have any complaints about my surgery.  Everything is healing well that I can see and feel.  I still can't eat much half of what I can eat of anything else or it hurts...that just might be off the table for me for awhile...but all other meats seem to go great.  I can do about 1.5 - 2 ounces of beef or pork pretty comfortably.  I tried some rice pudding and have to say that could be very dangerous...I only had about 3 ounces for a serving, but it lies very comfy and gives not issues...except of course it's calories! :)  It is nice to know that there are still treats I can have though.

I know many people believe you have to be completely true and strict until you get to the maintenance stage (and that is wonderful for them)...well, I didn't have this done with that in mind.  It wasn't what I ate that made me fat...don't get me wrong, it didn't help...but it was the AMOUNT I ate that made me fat.  Am I still staying away from pasta and bread? I still avoiding chips?  Sadly, Yes.  But, I still plan to have a glass of wine (once I can) and a 1/2 cup of ice cream at some point.   I just have to really learn to get my protein in first so that my body has the appropriate fuel to create muscle so it can burn said treats.   It's all coming together slowly. :)  I'll let you know how Wednesday goes.

Keep hydrating people...just cause it's cooler doesn't mean your body doesn't need it still.  And keep moving...even if you can't get outside, spend some time doing an activity inside.  All movement is good! Remember! Small steps!

Thanks for staying with me!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

re-learning how to eat...

Hi Guys!

I'm sorry, I know I haven't been keeping up very well.  I'll try to be better!  So, I'm 3- almost 4 weeks post op now.  What's going on?

Well, this was a tough week.  Healing is really going on which means that nerve endings are starting to repair...that means?? I'm starting to feel things I didn't before.  Yeah, every time I get a little cocky thinking I've got this down, reality comes along to remind me to be humble.  Let's see...I know I told you the weight was stalled...part of that was probably constipation...too much info? Well, sadly in this world it seems to be a big deal.  I took some miralax and started adding benefiber to my shakes.  I was doing ok until Tuesday morning.  I don't know what happened. I was minding my own business at work when...BAM! I started having awful cramps...headed to the bathroom...had to throw up which we all know I do NOT like...and was stuck on the toilette for awhile...came home from work early and headed right back into the bathroom...alternated between there and the bedroom for a couple days.  The good news?  Oh, the scale started moving again! :) I've lost 15lbs since surgery and 39 lbs since April.  I really don't know if it was a touch of the flu or just things adjusting to their new layout.  By Friday I was feeling much better.

So, how is the eating going?  That's a tough question to answer.  It really depends on what I'm eating, how much I can eat.  Isn't that weird?  It's kind of scary too because right now it's hard to know and I've made myself miserable a few times.  As close as I can tell, chicken is a bit evil for me.  It goes down easy and feels like it's doing well but then all of a sudden about 20 minutes later it makes my belly hurt.  Bison (chili), hamburger(shepherd's pie), and turkey sausage (with egg) seem to be much more reasonable at this point.  I can usually eat about 3-4 oz of food at a sitting.  But if I try that with chicken I am completely miserable.  Two oz is about max and even then I'm not sure if it's gonna go down comfy.

OMG! I finally found out what it feels like to forget to eat!  Can you believe it?  Last Saturday I had half an egg and half a turkey sausage link for breakfast...then I did some stuff...Jay came home from work and we went for a some point I felt kind of peckish and looked at the clock...3:30pm!!  I hadn't remembered to eat anything else since breakfast!!  I've read about this but never...NEVER!... expected it to happen to me! It's actually not a good thing right now while I'm trying to get all my protein in, but wow! Totally crazy experience not to feel hungry!!

I love my sleeve!! I love my sleeve!!

I've gone down a pant size.  It's not perfect yet, but looks much better than the bagging of the old size.   I have been told the weight loss is really getting noticeable now.   My hubby tells me daily that he is proud of me...which is wonderful to hear of course...I came home yesterday to a package he sent me.  It had some lovely expensive perfume and a few other treats in it...I asked what it was for and he said that I was looking so good I needed a treat! ;)  Guess he has still decided to spoil me, it's just not with food any more. ;)

I haven't been shopping yet...I'm just digging things out of my closet that I haven't been able to wear in awhile...and by awhile I mean a couple of years.  I can wear my mother's ring again!!  I'm going to need my other rings re-sized at some point, but I'll wait til I get closer to goal.  I am 4 lbs away from being half way to goal.  I like to break it down...that sounds much easier than saying I still have 48 lbs to lose! ;)

It actually is starting to feel like a real possibility though. When you think about needing to lose a large quantity of weight...almost 90 lbs for me...and I'm considered a "lightweight" in the WLS seems so overwhelming that it's easy to see why people just give up.  I am so thankful that I found the program I did.  That they helped me to start dealing with with food in real ways months before I went through the surgery.  Just think! I'm not quite even a month out and I'm almost half way to goal!  When people say "don't you think you could have done this  yourself?"  NO.  I know now that I could not have.  I would never have thought of food as a fuel source.  I would never have stopped being hungry after only a few ounces of food.  I would never have been able to break it down and understand that the fat was ruling me.  Does this have it's challenges?  YES.  I have no idea what is going on with my menstrual cycle.,,it changes it's mind daily as the hormones are released from the fat stomach actually has hurt...really hurt a couple times this week...I am tired a lot more...I need to make sure I build in time for exercise every day...I will never again eat a giant plateful of my favorite food...
But, think of it this way... I will never again be able to eat a giant plateful of my favorite food.  :)

Thanks for sticking with me!
