Saturday, June 21, 2014

pre-op weight loss...

People have told me (and of course I've read) about people having to lose weight before they can have WLS.  I've read that some people need to lose in order for the liver to shrink and for the doctor to be able to get at the stomach better.  Others have mentioned they knew people that had to lose a certain percentage before their surgeon would operate.

I have not been told I need to lose any before surgery.  However, those sneaky dietitians have their ways.  Giving up bread, chips (sigh) and mixed foods means that I have now lost 9 lbs since I started logging my food.   9 LBS!!!

That's like losing a Labrador puppy! ;)

We went to a baby shower today...I did not eat bread, cake or m&ms...yes, I wanted to.  I walked past the chips.  You people have no idea how much that means.  lol  I found plenty to eat.  I had fun.  This can be done.  Someone even told me my blog motivated them. How cool is that??

One of the biggest reasons that I'm making the choice to have the sleeve done is quality of life.  It is improving already.  I took my son, youngest daughter and two of my grand kids to a wild animal farm yesterday.  It was two hours of continuous walking. If I hadn't started walking for this surgery I know that I would have been out of breath and unable to lift the kids up to see things.  As it was I felt fine!  Of course, last night I was exhausted and slept like the dead... but I didn't have to keep stopping and making the kids wait because I couldn't keep up.

I have 754 days until retirement.  I want to be able to hike and do any activity I want without being afraid of slowing everyone down.  I want to to be able to play with the grand kids and keep up.  ( Well, I want to be able to play without having a heart attack, keeping up might be stretching it)

I want to be able to sit on any chair I want and not think- is this going to hold me? Or worry that I might be squishing the person next to me on the plane.  I want to be able to do yoga and not think - am I going to need a winch to get me up off the floor?   I want to be able to go on family vacations and not have to worry - am I too big for this ride?  But, most of all I want to be healthy.  I want to walk without my back, legs and ankles hurting me.  I want to play without being winded.  I want to be able to have sex in an airplane bathroom... just kidding! Wanted to see if you were still following along...bathrooms on planes are disgusting. :)  But seriously, we all have stuff that happens in life to slow us down.  Being fat  plump is not one I need to keep around.  So it's going down the drain.

Only 78 lbs to go.  :)  Thanks for coming along!



  1. I love your sense of humor!! You have me hooked, like reading a juicy novel! Haha

    1. Glad you are enjoying the blog! I hope it gives you some good info! ;)
