Today is 6 months post-op...and I'm down 75 lbs total! :) 24 lbs pre-surgery and 51 lbs in 6 months.
12 more to go to goal. Things have slowed down for sure. Month "6" I lost 5 lbs...still, I'm losing not gaining, right?
This winter has been a killer for me. An excuse I know. But it's just not the same to exercise indoors. I went for a walk the other day when our temps got up into the 40s... a little over two miles and I was feeling it! Especially puffing going up the hills! Can't wait for it to be warm enough to get back into a good groove.
One of the things I've had to learn on this journey is that there are a lot of things no one really talks about... like "c"onstipation! Going through this process you do start to adapt. But remember, there are so many different phases it's going to play some havoc with your body. That liquid phase? Liquid in equals liquid out... concentrating on just getting in protein? Well, that can actually hit people differently. Many people who do a lot of protein end up running to the bathroom without a minute to spare...for me, not so much. TMI, right? Well, sorry, but this is a pretty big part of the process! And while, Dr. T looked me straight in the face and said "you know you're not normal, right?" (as if I had any doubts!) I know from reading the boards that I'm not the only one who happens to go in this direction. So what do I mean about constipation? Not going for a day or two? Uh, no, try for a week or two... yep. That's what I mean. The really good thing about it? I can usually count on a couple pound loss at that point!! ;)
I have always been slow to go... :) but this has reached new timing. Have I figured out a pattern of how it works? Or what to do? No, not really. Have I tried things? Oh yeah. I tried benefiber everyday...nothing... Miralax? I can take that stuff for a week straight and get next to nothing. Although, I will say the FIRST time I try these things they help...but after that not so much. The veggies in my shake? Yeah, that was great the first time too. Then I adapt. Right now, I'm doing heavy cream in my coffee instead of half n half...this is beneficial since it's lower in carbs too and for a couple days it's been good...we'll see if it lasts long. The other problem that contributes to this is the low iron thing. So, I'm really trying to remember my vitamin. I'm opening the capsule and pouring it into my shake. Works great. But of course, iron doesn't really help the whole regularity thing. I have had a couple times where everything comes through at once...usually after chicken...this is also accompanied by the foamies and is not a pleasant alternative! I no longer do chicken. Did I mention I never realized how much chicken I ate until I no longer do?
I eat quite a bit of steak now. I'm sure part of that is my body helping to replace iron naturally. I can do pork with no problem but it doesn't seem to appeal on quite the same level as beef. I go through phases of wanting tuna and then not wanting anything to do with it. It's important to point out that I am not 100% on plan. For many people only being 6 months out, they would not want to really add any or at least many carbs, particularly ones that are less than complex. My goal was always to be able to eat anything I want...just small amounts. I eat french fries. I eat potato salad. I eat mashed potato. Many if not most people would want to avoid those food still this early on. I am fortunate since I was considered a "light-weight" with less than 100 lbs to lose that I can have a few bites of these this early. Would my weight loss be faster if I did not?? Most probably. :) Keep in mind that is journey is going to be different for everyone and you may have a completely different experience and that's ok.
What else? Oh, yeah the sag...don't be discouraged. Your body has been plumped up with
What can I eat at this point? Well, I still need to measure, or I can forget. By measure, I don't mean weigh everything, but I do check in quite often with the scale and my best tool I find is to use a dish that is small. This isn't to "trick" my mind into thinking I'm getting's to make sure I don't put too much on the plate and make myself sick. If you eat too much, or too fast, then those foamies are awful!! We all know I hate to throw up but when I'd rather just be able to throw up than suffer through that foam backing up in your throat you know it's not fun! For me, gum helps with this. I don't know if it would for most people. In fact, they recommend you don't chew gum after the surgery because it can put air in your tummy and cause pain. Maybe it's because I have been a life long gum chewer but for me it helps. A half cup is about perfect for mixed foods. I can do a little more (maybe 3/4 cup) of soups or soft food but a half is more comfy. 2.5 - 3 oz of meat is about great. I can eat a bite or two of veggies and carb if I keep it to the 2,5 oz. If I am eating just steak can do a little over 3 oz without discomfort. Why does that settle best for me? I have no idea but it does.
Do I get hungry? Yes. But not like before. It takes a couple hours after I eat something now. And I do feel full when I eat. Do I go for long periods without getting hungry? Yes.this is a dangerous slope. It used to be if I went very long I would get cranky and shaky. This doesn't happen anymore. I fasted the other day for blood work and it was well after noon by the time it got done. I grabbed some almonds at the store after and it was fine. No shaking. What I do notice is that I will tend to push too much if I haven't eaten for awhile. If you let yourself get too hungry you revert to that whole eyes bigger than your belly thing...OUCHY! There are many reasons they want you to eat at least 3x a day without missing meals if you can. Mostly your body just needs the fuel. Your metabolism needs something to burn...especially if you still have weight to lose. So pay attention to time going by and have a plan to not go too long even if you think you're doing ok.
I guess planning is one of the biggest parts of making this journey successful. Maybe that's why we start with all the steps 6 months before the surgery. We have to plan out all those things and it gets us used to it. Life is so fast now days. We don't plan out meals or anything else many times.
So the questions everyone asks? Do I still love it? Do I regret not being able to eat all that I could want? Would I do it again?
The answer to all? Yes. Yes, I love my sleeve. Yes, sometimes I miss being able to eat more of something I like the taste of. Yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I know I am healthier. I know that I have a tool to help me stay in control. I know I could never have done this loss without it.
If you're thinking about is not easy. It is a huge decision. Know all the things that happen. Do your research. But as for me? I say go for it! The risks are less than living your life as less than you can be! I think that's true of most things, right??
Thanks for continuing on the journey with me! 6 months people!
You are doing great Babe. Keep up the good work!
thanks mum! love ya!