Saturday, February 21, 2015


Hi guys!  It's a little over 5 months post-op and I'm feeling great.  Sadly I am not moving the numbers much right now, but that's ok...that means they're not moving up either. ;)

Let's talk about stalls for a minute.  I have had several since the surgery.  You know...that dreaded feeling when you step on the scale and see no movement.  It happened about 3 weeks out and several times since then.  What I notice about those times is that even though the scale doesn't reflect anything, my clothes still tend to feel different.  Things are still getting more loose and I can see my face changing. So while we may call it stalling out, really I think it's just more of our bodies adapting to change.

I've started having veggies in my morning shakes...some kale and spinach in with some strawberries. I have changed up to adding water when I do this rather than the skim milk.  I don't get quite as much protein but I just can't wrap my head around adding milk to this mix.  I have added greek yogurt a couple of times.  That brings the protein back up, BUT it also brings up the calories once you add in your protein powder.  Not in a scary way, but you can definitely see the increase.  It also tends to give more of a yogurt taste to the shake instead of just the berries.  Yeah, you don't really taste the veggies much at all.  I think because both kale and spinach are pretty mild tasting the berries just out weigh them in flavor.  Definitely an easy way to add veggies if you're not getting enough now.  And really, who is?  :)

Some off topic really great news this mom's book came out on the shelves! It's a pretty big deal for us!  Kind of nice to have an author in the family! ;)  If you like to read and enjoy a good mystery with a little smatter of romance thrown in I highly recommend it!
I know, shameless plug, right?  But hey, we need to exercise our minds as well as our bodies so while you're walking on the treadmill or riding the train to work it will add to your day!

I'm re-reading it (again!) while I wait for this other 17 lbs to fall off me! :)   I'm still waiting for spring! How about you?  I hear even my friends in Florida are shivering a little this week! I'm not sure why I never plan a vacation this time of year! So silly!  I should be somewhere warm and sunny right now!  Alas, I have to wait until the end of May to head to Florida.

The other exciting trip we have planned is for September! We'll be heading to Southern Baja for my son's 30th birthday celebration! (I really can't believe he's gonna be 30!!)  Those of you that know me well know that our plan is to full time RV in retirement after next year.  Southern Baja is one of the places I really wanted to spend some time so this will give us an idea if it's worth braving the border crossing to go down there some day in our RV!  Cabos looks gorgeous and I really, really hope it's a wonderful trip for my son.  Now I just need to get that other 17 lbs off so I will look good in my bathing suit!! ;)

Don't let the cold keep you from hydrating peeps! We all know how important this is, not just for weight loss but overall health.  Big props to my cousin for giving up her diet soda this week!  Hope it's still going well! Soda is a tough one, but well worth the rewards of giving it up!

I~ again this past week~ had someone ask me if I regret not being able to eat more... 5 months out?? NOPE! Still loving my sleeve!!  Happy Saturday everyone!  Thanks for sharing my journey!


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