Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Sooooo.... remember when I said best case scenario I'd have my surgery in October???  WRONG!!!

I'm scheduled for surgery September 15th!!!!!!!  whoot! OMG!

No time for food time to think about one last time to chicken out...I am ON liquids, baby!!!  That's right!  Dr. Trieu had an opening in his schedule and I've lost enough so he wasn't worried about me not having the full two weeks...

We made it happen people!!  AND! Get this...I've lost enough to lower my BMI to 38 so he is going to do the single incision goes through the belly scars!!!  How cool is that??  I didn't even know that was an option! He doesn't mention it ahead of time because not everyone can have it done that way.

I'm so excited!  I had to buy my bariatric food today since I couldn't eat the lunch I took to work! LOL

Ok, what else did I learn?

1. He will not take out my gallbladder since it is not having issues.  Only 30% of sleeve patients have any issues with their gallbladder and of those, only 10% have symptoms.  When you weigh that again the risks of a (currently) unnecessary addition to the surgery it makes sense that he doesn't want to mess with it.

2. I can have an MRI with no issues.

3. I will not set off airport security.  In fact, the staple line will not even show up on an x-ray.

4. I can not lift or do anything strenuous for two weeks.

5. I can take up to two weeks off from work but he will let me try to go back some after one week.

6. His weight/bmi goal was right in line with mine.

7. He will give me pain meds but not nausea meds unless I really need them.  He gave me the scripts to get filled for liquid pain med and liquid antacid.

8. I can not wear my bra into surgery.  He didn't come right out and say it but basically, the rule is so that if I code on the table they won't have to cut off a bra to revive me....he made a point to say that will not happen tho. :)

9. If I can remove my rings before surgery he would recommend it, if I can't they will tape them.  There shouldn't be enough swelling to have an issue but I can get them off so I will leave them with Jay until I wake up.

I was supposed to have blood work 4 weeks before surgery as well as the pre-op blood work...but I take no meds and am overall healthy so he said they could just do it all at the pre-op.

So, Diet...I can have protein shakes right up until the day before.  I can have their soups (New Direction weight control system) I chose Cheddar Broccoli. :)  I can have ONE of their protein bars...I chose Short bread cookie and chocolate peanut ;)  I also got their vanilla pudding that you can add flavors to and make a thicker shake out of.  I can also have broth, jello, tea, and decaffeinated coffee.

I'm gonna try and save the bar for at night to have something to chew.  10 more days of those kinds of liquid...then just clear liquids the day before.  Look! I'm already 3 days in and didn't even know it!! ;)

I'm a little sad they go by my weight today for all future statistics of pre-op.  But, I know what my original was so I'm totally counting that in my loss count!

I might be a little closer to feeling like it's real now!  I'll be back on my feet and able to go into the hot tub by Halloween!!  (Can't go in for a month)

Today totally surpassed my expectations.  Too bad I can't celebrate with a glass of wine, right??  LOL  oh well!  I think it's probably a good thing that I'm thrown right in.  I can celebrate by walking an extra lap!

Thanks for sticking with me!!  AND thank you for all your support!


1 comment:

  1. YAY! *does happy dance* I am so happy for you!
