Friday, September 5, 2014

Mad dogs and Englishmen....

Up to this point I've been doing my walking on the road around the neighborhood.  It has up and down hills and I can't really measure but try to push myself a little further each day and I know when I check my fitbit that I've worked up to about 3 miles a day.

Today I had a hair appointment at 10:30 so I decided to try walking the rail trail.  I started out at noon.  Yup! right in the mid day sun!  I learned all kinds of new things.  The trail is not really as flat as I thought it was... it takes me much longer than I thought to get into my comfort zone when I'm walking....and I really don't like it when I can see the measurements!!   It seemed much longer...I had to tell myself to stop watching for the  mile markers and just relax and enjoy the view.  About 1.25 miles in I begin to not struggle against it so much.  I knew it took awhile, but I was thinking it was about a half mile.

Today is day 3 of my liquid diet.  The first two days were not bad...I think riding the high from the news of getting the was a little harder.

Day 1 I had about 600 calories, day two far today I'm at 630.  Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst day they say and I think I can agree.  I did mix up a cup of decaffeinated instant coffee and cooled it down to mix with the "New Directions" vanilla pudding from the bariatric center.  That was breakfast and it was pretty good.   I did eat my bar for lunch today because I was feeling like I needed something a "little more". Having tomato soup for dinner as I type this.  It is far superior to the cheddar broccoli from New Directions but it doesn't have the protein either.  There is always a trade off in life.

I took a little break from typing this because I got the call from my mum that she had to put down her beloved dog. Was a sad evening.

The good news, if there could be any from that, was I did burn some extra calories digging.

So tomorrow will be day 4.  8 more days.  Had a little hard time with emotion tonight.  Hunger can do that when you're upset I guess.  The excitement will return as we start getting closer.  I go for pre-op blood work on Wed. morning.  I won't know until Friday what time the surgery actually is on the following Monday.  I guess they want to keep the romance and surprise me. ;)

One thing about the liquid diet, I am totally hydrated!! When you can't eat it's easier to drink.  LOL  Did everyone else hydrate today?  This heat takes it out of you.

I did have a good surprise today...I'm now on the next to last hole available in my belt!! I have gone from the first to almost the last in a little more than 3 months! ;) I've lost 18lbs...I'd really like to think I could lose another 10 during the liquid diet.  That would be cool.  But, if I don't lose anything I'm still in good shape going into this surgery, so it's all good.

Hope you all have had a healthful day.  Thanks for staying with me.

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