First things first, Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter Alana. ;)
Now, let's see what has been happening since last post? Someone brought to my attention that I have mentioned slides but didn't explain what I meant by that. Slides are sections of the coach that can expand out and give significantly more space! We have two slides. One is in the bedroom and one in the living space. Here is an example of the rig with the slide in and the slide out. Judge for yourself. :)
Quite the difference, no? ;)
So we left Nappanee on Saturday but later in the day. One of the things about being further west is the sun rising later which has confused the dogs and allowed us to sleep later in the morning. This is helpful because I seem to wake up in the middle of the wee hours and stay awake for awhile. Not sure what that is all about yet but working on it.
My original route had us going from IN into Iowa and down through CO. After talking to my dad we decided to change that a bit. He suggested taking 35 to I40 and taking that across the lower states to avoid the mountains. Jay was all for that. The mountains are harder on engines and harder on diesel consumption. After looking at the maps, we decided we did not want to go anywhere near Chicago. Even the outer rim so we took the southern route through IN and down I44 To get to I40. This did add about 300 miles to the trip but they were easier miles so we thought it was worth it. After traveling on I40 for awhile, Jay is happy with the decision and we have made up quite a bit of time. We did not really enjoy OK. Now before anyone says anything, I'm sure OK is a great state with many fine things about it. Things we experienced? Well, for one thing, the bugs. They are HUGE! Our windshield was completely covered and they make the same sound hitting it that a bird makes hitting the picture window back in Maine. No, seriously. Jay spent the whole time he was fueling up washing the windshield!
Also, my worst nightmare happened. Dobby did not like OK. He wanted to stay in the rig. I had to carry him out most stops. As soon as he did his business he wanted back in. Paris tends to want to stroll and check things out. One morning I had both of them out and he slipped out of his harness. I had stopped double hooking him through a collar because he had been so good. This was my worst case incident happening! Fortunately, I had been teaching them that the rig is "home" and when I screamed "Dobby home!" He went and sat by the steps until I could get there to let him in. Whew! He is now being double hooked each time we go out.
Another stop had Paris getting these awful thistles in her paws!! It looked like regular grass but she started crying right away and Jay picked up to see these awful things in her paws! We got them all out and she seems fine but we felt so bad for her!
We had a strap come loose on the outside of the slide. Our first repair job! I got it back in place and Jay added silicone to adhere it back in place. Seems to be holding great. So, I realize it sounds like we've had an awful time but really it wasn't!
The weather has been great for the most part, Just a little rain that helped wash the bugs from the windshield. Mechanically the rig is going great. Until tonight we still had not paid for a night spent anywhere. We have felt completely safe. We stopped at Camping World this morning and bought a surge protector for the whole rig. This was on my wish list but the price almost sent Jay into fits. :) We picked up a couple other items as well and filled the tank. Nothing like dropping $700 before noon. Yikes. Good thing we had been good and not paid to stay anywhere! ;)
That all changed tonight. We have averaged close to 300 miles a day and we decided we needed to make a stop for full hook ups. We wanted long, hot showers without depleting our reserves and we wanted to do some laundry. So there was a KOA right off I40 in Amarillo. We stopped to see if they had a site. It's actually pretty full here. To get a pull through (not a back in site since we have the tow vehicle) that has 50 amps they only had water, and electric. What a coincidence! What we need is water and electric! We just dumped on Saturday and can still dump before we leave for free if we need to. (Which we probably won't) This is a nice park. I ran the google map and found we only have a little over 800 miles left to Vegas and 7 days to get there so we are staying an extra night here! All of us can use a break from driving and it has a great play area for the dogs plus we can zip to Walmart in the car to pick up things we're getting low on.
We have been fixing meals in and doing well with the budget so even though it's a little on the pricey side ($42 per night) we are feel good with it. It has great internet and cable included in the price as well.
All together Texas has been very welcoming. The bugs toned down and the road has been smooth with not much construction or traffic. Both dogs like it here and people are friendly.
I ain't got a dime but what I got is mine
I ain't rich but Lord I'm free
Amarillo by mornin'
Amarillo's where I'll be
I ain't rich but Lord I'm free
Amarillo by mornin'
Amarillo's where I'll be
I'll keep you posted as we go...gonna hit that shower now. Thanks for following along!
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