It's a little over a month and a half since surgery...time does fly, doesn't it? So where am I?
Well, I've lost 22lbs since surgery and 46lbs in total. How is the process going? That is day to day. Last night I got the foamies. I'd read about them, but never had them before. I really would rather not have them again. The "foamies" are when you eat too fast or don't chew small enough. It causes that "stuck" feeling that is quite painful and by painful, I mean I actually tried to throw all know how I feel about that. What actually comes up is a white foamy mess. Fortunately, because we're talking such small amounts of food it doesn't take too much to relieve the pressure but it was not a fun 15 minutes or so.
Goals! *remember to weigh all food. *remember to chew slowly and completely.
I actually did weigh out the 2.5 oz of pot roast so I'm thinking it was just too fast. I've got to remember that even though things feel great, it hasn't been that long since I had pretty significant surgery.
But enough of the yucky... I know you're waiting to hear about the trip to the trainer, right? :)
Well, Thursday wasn't spectacular morning. I was up most of the night. Losing this weight this quickly causes a major hormone do have some issues with bowel and menstrual cycles being kind of crazy...just a fyi...but I checked and found out it would be into January if I rescheduled with Tony so I ended up going to the appointment.
He was, of course, very nice. We talked a lot about goals and what I'm hoping to achieve. He was pleased that my biggest goal going into the surgery was health. He said many people go into it for aesthetics only and that limits their participation and long term success. He showed me form and we went through a few exercises. He gave me some homework...
All of the exercises he's teaching me can be done once we're on the road with very little equipment. He's also teaching me how to add to them as I go...because...there is really no such thing as just are either building muscle or destroying it. Did you know that? Our bodies would much rather eat any that they think we are not going to be using they start to break down. They won't go into our "rainy day fat storage" until we show them that we need to use all the muscle we have. It's why we need to focus on changing up our workouts and not getting stuck doing one thing. Have you even noticed how lean runners can be? Running is great exercise, but if all you do is run then your body will break down the muscles that you don't need to do that. So the rule for me is to rotate these exercises - don't do them all the same day- and once I get so I can do them with ease, I need to change them up to make it more difficult. Either add more reps or more resistance.
He gave me this new resistance band and it can be used with a door nob, another person or a tree...basically anywhere. He's worked with me a lot on breaking old habits. The way we sit down or stand up...the way we tilt our pelvis or lift our we hold our shoulders when we pull or push...
He also has this machine that weighs lean mass...Because our body likes to break down muscle first, he wants to keep track of how much of that I'm losing vs fat. I have about (it's not perfect) 102 lbs of lean tissue. That means I still have wayyyyy too much non lean stuff going on! But, now that he knows that, he can measure when I go in to see if my exercise has helped save the muscle and focused on just getting rid of the
So much to learn, right? I go back and see him on the 12th. We'll see how far I've got in a couple of weeks. Always something new ;)
That's what's going on folks. I hope you're hydrated and getting your protein. Do not let one thing fade because you pick up something else. It's all important, right?
Thanks for staying with me!
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